Gabriele Sadowski
TU Dortmund University, Germany
Title: Physical stability and drug crystallization kinetics in amorphous solid dispersions
Biography: Gabriele Sadowski
High-impact pharmaceutical drugs are constantly identified by (bio)medical research, with a high potential for the treatment of severe civilization diseases. However, such drugs often exhibit a very low solubility in water (and thus in biorelevant media). As they tend to crystallize during storage or after administration, they cannot be used for the development of the future-generation pharmaceuticals. Therefore, about 80% of the promising drugs currently under development never make it into a medicine. Several approaches exist to increase the bioavailability of drugs. Most of them aim at formulating the drug in a less-stable but better-soluble modification which is intended to be stabilized with the help of excipients, e.g. polymers. However, finding the right excipient for a given drug is quite difficult and today usually established by a “trialand- error” approach assisted by expensive high-throughput screening techniques. This results in tremendous costs for the development of advanced formulations and – when no appropriate formulation is found - even prevents a huge number of very promising drugs from being applied in a medicine at all. As pharmaceutical formulations usually have to be stored between manufacturing and use, it has moreover to be guaranteed, that their properties do not change during this period. This is best ensured when they are thermodynamically stable, i.e. at drug concentrations being lower than the drug solubility in the formulation. The latter is to a great extend influenced by the kind of drug and excipients, by temperature, and by relative humidity. It will be shown that the influence of humidity on the drug solubility in ASDs as well as on their kinetic stability can be predicted using thermodynamic models (1-3, 5). This provides the information whether an ASD will crystallize (destabilize) at humid conditions or not. However, the investigation of crystallization kinetics is usually performed by timeconsuming long-term experiments with recurring investigations of crystallinity, e.g. by X-ray diffraction. In this work it will therefore also be demonstrated that the kinetics of drug crystallization in ASDs can be determined only based on simple water-sorption measurements combined with a state-of-the-art thermodynamic modeling of the drug solubility in polymers at humid conditions. The latter allows accounting for the mutual influence of water sorption and drug crystallization in the ASD and thus for simultaneously predicting the amount of absorbed water and crystallized drug. Knowing the experimental water sorption as function of time thus directly provides the ASD crystallinity without the need of additional X-ray measurements.